ICAT (International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence) is the oldest established international conference on Virtual Reality (VR) and Telexistence. Started in 1991, ICAT has annually brought together VR, MR, and Telerobotics researchers from around the globe. It has been held in different locations in Asia, Oceania, and Europe. VR and Telexistence have the potential to augment human ability in perception, understanding, and action in time and space. The technologies that are the focus of this research community also make it possible for humans to be seemingly anywhere at any given time, thus providing humans virtually ubiquitous impact and interaction possibilities.
ICAT 2013 will not only look for innovations in VR technology itself, but also explore novel ways to express and transfer information and creative ideas to societies and their people. ICAT 2013 will include technical sessions covering traditional VR areas as well as new emerging areas with a lineup of plenary sessions, invited talks, technical tours, and technology/art exhibitions.
The organizing committee cordially invites you to submit original technical work and experimental results related to Virtual Reality to this conference. Each submission will be refereed on the basis of technical quality, novelty, significance, and clarity.
We invite contributions on a broad range of topics, such as
- Artificial Reality / Virtual Reality
- Teleoperation / Telepresence / Telexistence
- Augmented Reality / Mixed Reality
- Motion Tracking
- Real Time Computer Simulation
- Ubiquitous / Wearable Computing
- Visual and Auditory Displays
- Anthropomorphic Intelligent Robotics
- Software Architectures for VR
- Immersive Projection Technologies
- Retroreflective Projection Technologies
- Tools for Modeling VR Systems
- Haptics
- Multi/Cross-Modal Interfaces
- Evaluation of VR Techniques and Systems
- Distributed and Collaborative VR Systems
- Augmented Humans
- Natural User Interfaces
- Brain-Machine Interfaces / Brain-Computer Interfaces
- Human Robot Interaction
- Medical VR/AR
Information for Authors
ICAT 2013 uses a single-blind review process.
Outstanding original paper submissions, as identified by the review process, will be accepted as oral presentations or poster presentations. Authors of accepted papers will be responsible for preparing a final camera-ready electronic version of their paper. The copyright of the final papers must be transferred to VRSJ (The Virtual Reality Society of Japan).
Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings distributed on USB flash drives and archived on the ICAT webpage. ICAT 2013 is technically co-sponsored by IEEE . All accepted papers will be archived via IEEE Xplore after the conference.
Submission Instructions
Authors should submit papers through an electronic submission system. Papers have to be written in English and can be of up to 8 pages in length. They must be formatted according to the IEEE Computer Society VGTC authoring guidelines.
Authors can submit one ZIP file as supplemental material, including movies, images, etc.
ICAT 2013 Submission System
Important Dates
- Paper Submission Deadline:
August 10, 2013 -> August 24, 2013 (Extended!!!) - Acceptance Notification: September 30, 2013
- Camera-Ready Deadline: October 21, 2013
- ICAT 2013 Conference: December 11-13, 2013